Bad omen or what?

By Chipper - 09/06/2009 00:14 - United States

Today, I was playing piano for a wedding rehearsal. Bored, I decided to pass the time playing through a book of music I found in the piano bench. Some time later the bride turned to me and screamed at me to stop. I had turned the page and had begun to play "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 161
You deserved it 51 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She must be a really good piano player herself to recognize the piece just like that

jasax1 0

Thats what happens when you dick around at a rehearsal. lol


thekraken 0

You should have played "Gold Finger" like the pianist in that episode of Frasier.

i woulda done that on purpose and kept on playin.

How is this an FML? So you got bored and messing around played an unfitting song, at a rehearsal. Unless that song somehow made the groom have an epiphany that he was getting married to the wrong person, I say its no big.

Although it was funny, it was still unprofessional.

meddude 0

damn you're stupid. #1, you get a double fail. one for trying to claim which comment you are, and another for actually getting that wrong.

Sounds like she was afraid the groom would wise up and bolt.

smalltowngirl88 0

1- way to be a professional, play around like that while at the rehearsal 2- ever think at looking at what you're playing? She's more than like more than a bit stressed, any little think could make her snap...