Bad omen or what?

By Chipper - 09/06/2009 00:14 - United States

Today, I was playing piano for a wedding rehearsal. Bored, I decided to pass the time playing through a book of music I found in the piano bench. Some time later the bride turned to me and screamed at me to stop. I had turned the page and had begun to play "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 161
You deserved it 51 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She must be a really good piano player herself to recognize the piece just like that

jasax1 0

Thats what happens when you dick around at a rehearsal. lol


SVelasquez 0

Wooow, bitch. It was the REHEARSAL, not the real thing.

Eh, the rehearsal dinner is just an excuse for more lavish wedding spending and bullshit. This bride is dumb as dirt if she knows only the title, not what the song's about. Furthermore, she sounds like a Bridezilla if she decided to be offended by the song at all. Besides which, it's not like you played "The Thrill Is Gone" or "Ain't No Sunshine".

absentinsanity6 0

haha if others at the wedding recognized it that would be hilarious :) f the bride's life xDD

loserloser 0

She definitely overreacted. :/

lackofcolour 0

if she knew the song well enough to recognize it on the piano, without vocals, wouldn't you think she'd know how the song went? it IS your fault, but you don't necessarily deserve the reaction. so I'm not clicking either option.

nonynony 0

It doesn't matter what the song is, you shouldn't be messing around during someone's rehearsal. You're their EMPLOYEE. I've played (violin) in probably several hundred weddings over the last decade, and your job is to do exactly what you're told and know how everything is going to go so that you can help it go smoothly. It doesn't matter if she's Bridezilla; today, she's your boss. Would you start humming in a company meeting because you were bored? Besides, rehearsals rarely last more than an hour tops. You couldn't just keep quiet for that long?

I think Let's Call The Whole Thing Off is a fantastic song for a wedding.

This would have been 10x better if the happy couple had just gotten into a massive fight and you absent-mindedly began to play this song out of boredom.