Bad boy!

By sore - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Ireland

Today, my friend and I were bouncing around on a trampoline. We brought my dog up to bounce him around. We found it hilarious. He didn't. He attacked us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 595
You deserved it 83 685

Top comments

Sadieladean 0

You found abusing your dog hilarious? I hope the dog attacked your ovaries so you can't pass on your glaring stupidity to others. Stupid twat.


lookcutelivedirt 0

better you get hurt than the dog. you did this to yourself. ydi

YDI for doing that to a dog. props to the s dog.

MissBunny, do you have a thing for urinating in people's mouths?

FreebirdIII 1
raven02 0

dam pretty harsh for a cutie like u to say

I had to actually think about whether I would choose you deserve it, or your life sucks. I mean obviously you deserve it. but on the other hand, being a complete and utter moron would cause life to suck a bit. I honestly hope that dog caused some serious damage so that you can have a constant reminder visibly present since you clearly have no common sense to guide you.

That's ****** OP! I'm sure that bouncing a dog around on a trampoline can't be good for the dogs back, or for it's legs. You don't sound like someone who should have a pet, let alone a dog.

missnoel 0

Why would you share this when it is clear the OP is a moron? You like to show you're an idiot too? Good for you. -.-

flickyourbic1223 7

161 Your soap box is going to collapse, maybe you should step down for a bit?

notquite69 0

Again, stupid, stupid people. At least the dog didn't get hurt. Who cares about you, fucktard.

perdix 29

There once was a girl on a tramp Who had an idea as bright as a lamp She thought her pup Could bounce down and up But he bit her ass and held on like a clamp. Isn't that they way you people in Limerick talk?

hahaha my friend and I did this to her cat.... about 36 stitches later we realized.... cats have claws