Bad boy!

By sore - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Ireland

Today, my friend and I were bouncing around on a trampoline. We brought my dog up to bounce him around. We found it hilarious. He didn't. He attacked us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 595
You deserved it 83 685

Top comments

Sadieladean 0

You found abusing your dog hilarious? I hope the dog attacked your ovaries so you can't pass on your glaring stupidity to others. Stupid twat.


MyScrewedUpLifeS 0

I've seen dogs fly in hang gliders with their owners.

could've seriously hurt that dog. way excel at caring.

awww!! why would you ever do that to a poor little dog??? I feel bad for him/her. :'(

CarlyCrawford 0

wow! you are an idiot! you totally deserved to be attacked!!

Watch out, one day the dog might piss on your bed for revenge.

94 - You're either mentally challenged, or 5 years old if you dont know that hurts dogs. If they did it intentionally, they does deserve to get a new face. Maybe they needed a new one anyways.

bitch you could've broken the dogs back

jamjenni2774 0

You deserve it for being mean to an animal! probably was scared to death!!