Back off

By Cassidy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that my crush didn't make up a fake girlfriend to get me jealous; he made her up as a way to tell me to back off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 509
You deserved it 36 611

Top comments

frozenshake 5

Wow, that's just sad... You should get an imaginary boyfriend-- not to make him jealous, but just so you won't be lonely.

Theres a difference between crush and stalking(; Just back off.


Miscellaneous519 2

As a guy who currently has a touchy, semi-creeper chick in love with me, I'm telling you to back off OP. He probably wouldn't have been so harsh if you would just respect his wishes and leave him alone. Trying to impose yourself on him only makes things worst for you.

dontpanic_fml 32

Damn, think this through... "you were looking for the positives, specifically hoping he liked you back." What does that sound like to you?

you should've gotten the hint the first time he mentioned her...that's pretty pathetic of you, OP..

A similar thing happened to me at school. That was six years ago- now he's one of my best friends :) it's easy to get carried away when you like someone a lot, and if he's a decent guy he'll realise that. If not, though, he's not worth it- you live and learn.

hannahcorrine 0

It can only go upwards from here...?

maui3 0

That's kinda cool but trust issues might be next. Sorry!!!

Dayum, must be harsh. oh well, theres plenty more guys to choose from right? one day he will regret doing that when he realizes his imaginary girlfriend cant keep him warm at night.

ohhsnappitsme 15

OP, I went through the same stuff you did back when I was about 12 or 13, and I agree with everyone who's saying that you should move on. He doesn't seem to be taking your feelings into consideration, and by making up a girlfriend, he's pretty much telling you to stay away from him. It sucks when this happens, don't stalk him because that will only make things much worse. You never know, maybe you will find someone much better than him.