Back off

By Cassidy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that my crush didn't make up a fake girlfriend to get me jealous; he made her up as a way to tell me to back off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 509
You deserved it 36 611

Top comments

frozenshake 5

Wow, that's just sad... You should get an imaginary boyfriend-- not to make him jealous, but just so you won't be lonely.

Theres a difference between crush and stalking(; Just back off.


He doesn't like you, big deal. It happens to everyone. It's not like you two were dating and he dumped you for a fake girlfriend.

daydreamer244 13

have you been stalking him or something?

I would be mortified. Then again, you must have been one of those annoying girls that don't know how to hide their feelings or take hints.

FYLDeep 25

That's progress. Once he starts making up girlfriends you know he's starting to get desperate in his attempts to avoid you. Now just up your game a little more and I'm sure you can pull of a restraining order. I think that achievement adds 100 points to your gamerscore.

And when she does get the retraining order, it's obvious it's just her crush's way of getting her to think of mire creative ways to contact him.

javonillom 0

Why is everyone blaming here. Has it even occured to you that the guy is just a douchebag. You are better of without him.

OP, it sounds like you might have been coming on too strong. Examine your behavior, and chalk this up to a learning experience that will make you a better mate in the long run. Good luck.

Even if he was trying to make you jealous I wouldn't have gone for him. Don't go with people who play games. He's an ass for not being straight with you, but then again it sound like you came on too strong. You're both in the wrong.

That just means you're better off. He's obviously only attracted to imaginary women.