Back off

By Cassidy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that my crush didn't make up a fake girlfriend to get me jealous; he made her up as a way to tell me to back off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 509
You deserved it 36 611

Top comments

frozenshake 5

Wow, that's just sad... You should get an imaginary boyfriend-- not to make him jealous, but just so you won't be lonely.

Theres a difference between crush and stalking(; Just back off.


If he's not interested, just move on. Not everyone that you crush on is gonna return your feelings. If they did, I would have been married to Amanda Bynes when I was 11 or some shit.

And just about every girl would be married to Leonardo Di Caprio or Ryan Gosling.

Yep that's why he has an imaginary GIRLfriend, he obviously smokes the pole :( At first I thought he just wanted op to backoff, but you-- there's no sneaking past you is there.

Yeah, because when you come up with an imaginary online GF your such a straight stud muffin! FYL YDI.

Everyone has liked someone who didn't return those feelings. Sucks but it's part of life. Sounds like he was either too chicken to tell you or he didn't want to hurt your feelings. Best to wish him happiness and move on and try to find happiness for yourself. I know it's easier said then done but it is worth doing.

Haha that's usually what almost every single guy in the world means when they make up a fake girl friend.

Maybe if you weren't around him too or being clingy, he wouldn't have to… I feel bad for you but no one would do that without a reason…

JinxosGirl87 0

Can't he get a real GF instead?

perdix 29

The cool thing about making up a string of fake girlfriends is that when he gets a real one, he can still play it off as an imaginary fantasy.

jose18 3

Wow you must have been stalking him

Wtf, you're obviously interested. Why would he need to make you jealous? How thick can you get? And sometimes people would prefer a hint than an outright rejection. Either way you're getting turned down, but at least you don't have to hear from someone you like 'I'm not interested in you'. But that's just some people.