Awkward silence

By kayin - 10/12/2010 01:59 - United Kingdom

Today, I was giving a tour for parents who wanted to send their kids to our school. One of the parents had a kid on crutches with what appeared to be a broken leg, so I asked him how he broke it. He replied, "I was born like this." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 469
You deserved it 6 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Well there's no way you couldve known... I'm sure the kid will get over it.


vwjunkie747 0

Well that's an honest mistake that anyone could make. Don't beat yourself up about it

pvtmeives 4

I don't think this qualifies as an FML

That's pretty bad, but nowhere near as bad as what happened to me. When I met my best friends new boyfriend for the first time he was sitting in his car and I saw crutches in the back seat. I asked if he had hurt his leg/foot. My friend exclaimed "No! He only has one leg! God!" I felt horrible. Although one would think she would've mentioned that info when she had told me about him. I was just speechless for a minute.

Don't feel bad about it, how were you supposed to know?

You can't know something like that, it's okay.

TDWPForDayz 9

I'm sorry to hear about this. It's not like you knew..

how is this an FML? you didn't know, he told you.

My friend has really screwed knees and ankles, so she has a brace on her right knee and a brace on the left foot, which are the worst ones. At high school orientation she was in crutches and some guy asked, "Clumsy?" When he found out he apologized profusely the whole time; she thought it was funny. I'm sure you have made it seem worse than it is, it's alright.

theroxors19 12

maybe he's born with it. MAYBE IT'S MAYBELLINE