By catlover - 16/06/2011 16:14 - China

Today, our new cat, which my mum was hesitant about letting us keep because she believes they're diseased, gave us all ringworm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 190
You deserved it 13 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hook_em 0

well that sucks I guess your mom had a reason to be cautious. she may know something but that's what you get for having a dirty pussy around


eminemchick 19

ooh irony:D what an unexpected twistxD

MeBeYourFriend 0
MeBeYourFriend 0

You know um YacL. yes it will

More like that'll teach them both for not being responsible enough pet owners to get a new pet a health check (they should be lamped for ringworm as standard). Plus it's easily cured with an anti-fungal. YDI

43-- They all got eaten by the flying spaghetti monster.

43-well 7, 8, 9 seven (ate) nine then 8 ate every other #

fthislyfe 22

this is not a myth! i study in medical school and it's proven that cats are dangerous for WOMEN's health.not talking about ringworms. It's frustrating how ignorant cat lovers insist that it's just a myth. I love little kitties too but it doesn't make them any less dangerous for health. Give me as many thumbs down as you can I don't care. That's what science says

ienjoithinqs 0

no it won't because she was the one that didn't want to keep it in the first place but her kid/kids stressed her to keep it. ( next time read the post atleast 2 times )

lol my iPhone was being stupid I can see it now(:

Veraymix 6

Take kitty to vet to make sure it doesn't have any other health problems.

ReynshineCutting 10

What ISN'T bad for someone's health? How many older women that live well into their 80s have had cats their whole lives? Just like diet sodas kill and cell phones kill and everything else on the planet kills.

#140 Except that's about accepting the known risks inherent to whatever activity/food/ect. you like, rather than the purposeful discounting of information regarding the health effects.

lofty1012 3

57- ringworm takes around 10 days to cure with anti fungal. and that's only if you don't spread it with clothing, towels, scratching, soap, or other objects that make contact with it. if that happens you're in for a fun additional 10 days at least with that new ringworm.

candycoated89 0

ever heard of a vet? take it there before you bring it home. common sense

#100 What is dangerous about cats? I'm interested to know.. I know pregnant women shouldn't touch the litter tray because of the risk of toxoplasmosis, are there other things too?

she was talking to the op who was the kid who wanted the cat. maybe you should read it two times.

152, that's why you get kitty lamped before letting it get all over your stuff...

victimization 0

just put some nail polish over it and shut up. not that big of a deal -.-

jrgr 6

shoulda listened to your mom! lol

Eggers 2

cats are the filthiest animals in the world (besides rats). no kidding. look it up.

cockseverywhere 2

rats are not filthy. I have 2 and they are two of the CLEANEST and least smelly caged animals I have ever had.

Eggers. We're animals and we are pretty filthy too. If cats are first then we are a close second at the least.

25 - Perhaps that may be true about street or jungle cats, but domesticated cats are probably some of the cleanest animals you'll ever have. Shit, they clean themselves for goodness sake. Not many animals do that.

boyguydudemalema 0

try licking yourselves instead of showering everyday, lets see how clean you'll feel. Rats are naturally filthy because they live in filthy places. i think all animals are filthy if left alone (without taking baths n stuff)

Guy above me sounds like he's afraid of dirt. FFS it's everywhere! That alone does not make one filthy, not in the context of the conversation going.

boyguydudemalema 0

Just saying that all animals (including us) can be filthy without proper grooming.

ReynshineCutting 10

Sewer rats are filthy. Just like feral cats and hobos are. Domesticated rats are some of the cleanest animals there are. They bathe more than cats do. They sneeze and start freaking out and cleaning their faces.

you should have gotten the cat vaccinated as quickly as possible.

except that thir saliva kills bacteria. they ARE cleaning themselves. your just too ignorant to know that.

You can't vaccinate against ringworm. It's not a virus. ...It's actually a fungus, believe it or not. Look it up.

hook_em 0

well that sucks I guess your mom had a reason to be cautious. she may know something but that's what you get for having a dirty pussy around

johnson94 5

I was going to thumbs this up but then I saw your username was "hook em"... sorry... haha

hook_em 0

it's something we said on my baseball team in college there is a lot of meaning behind it

johnson94 5

did you play for UT or am I just way off?

Crazy4Christ 0

doesn't a cat hafta bite or scratch u give u that? if she/he bit or scratched all of u, why wud u keep it? it obviously doesn't wanna be with u guys?!

brodway_dreamer 0

u can get it by just touching it

mekkme 0

animals can scratch an bite. it doesn't mean they hate u

SteelCladAngel 0

could dab a little bleach on it too if you've got nothing around for athletes foot

First of all, way to work those spelling and grammar skills. Ringworm is a relatively mild skin disease that can spread through touch. You can treat it with the same creams and sprays as athlete's foot. OP and her family probably got the disease by petting the cat. This FML (by my interpretation) is more about the fact that OP got a major "I told you so" than the fact she has ringworm.

yea I got it from my cat before :( my entire family got it

borichick1 0

next time you'll listen to your mom huh? lol fyl

mums are always right. like when they tell you to wear a jacket because it'll be cold and you don't listen and end up getting sick -.-

Getting cold doesn't make you sick...

ReynshineCutting 10

It can help contribute to you getting sick.

gross! good thing there is ointment just go see your doctor op!

SirEBC 7

FOHO MAN! That was original. In case your dense mind is incapable of detecting sarcasm, that was sarcasm.

SteelCladAngel 0

you can get ointment for it over the counter lotrimin or any other cream/spray to treat athletes foot

SirEBC 7

Before everyone gets their panties in a bunch (too late), the comment I originally replied to was deleted. My apologies to the person who was caught in the crossfire.

sephoraprincess 7
eminemchick 19

your face stares into my soul o___O

RoseIsMe 0

10 It does stink. And I think this is a very pretty picture of u :D

brodway_dreamer 0

just put the cream on for how ever long u need it till it's gone and get the cat treated problem solved

The lack of proper grammar... It's... Terrifying.