You played yourself

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I faked a sore throat for the school nurse so I could go home early. It took my dad the rest of the school day just to get there to pick me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 096
You deserved it 49 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for faking sick, but it'll suck to be you when you actually do get sick and it takes all day for your dad to pick you up. Not that this experience will motivate him to hurry in the future...


How old are you anyways?! If it were me I would've just left...unless I was in fifth grade.

"Your not even sick": stupidity at it's finest.

Simoneaux17 11

That's what you GET!!! Your education is too important to be skipping school for no reason. Ydi.

MissHayleyJames 7

You do know it's not hard to still do your work and keep your grades up if you skip sometimes right?

"that's what you get when you let your heart win"

"heart"? Did I miss something? Where was the heart in his post? What are you talking about? O.P. seems like a lazy, bored, uninspired troll.

Anai08 17

Now is not the time for Paramore lyrics. >_>

anarchistpunk 3

Haha props, but hey, at least you didn't have to go to class dude.

KiddNYC1O 20

Should have picked something more serious than a sore throat.

I know with school and work I had to get out early once or twice. I call it mental health days. I do feel bad for your dad with the work thing. In this economy not all bosses are understanding.

irishlee18 3

Next time fake it before going to school.

That's right. Quick, clean and easy. You get the whole day off. Fake it up front. Stomach ache works great. Master that and the next thing to master is "I love you".