You can't hurry love

By Anonymous - 20/09/2009 05:18 - United States

Today, my grandma wasn't feeling well, so I went to her house to check on her. After about 20 minutes, I knew she was feeling better when she looked at me and said, "So, do you have a boyfriend yet? I pray every night that I get to live long enough to see you with a boyfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 328
You deserved it 4 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My grandmother does the same thing... I'm tempted next time to ask her "You don't remember the wedding??"


Maybe she was trying to be nice.... but failing at it! I guess it sort of does suck! Or maybe your grandma's being hilariously sarcastic!

Don't get upset at Grandma for telling it like it is.

Simple solution: get a boyfriend show him to grandma she can then die you can then pay the guy you hired to pretend to be your boyfriend no more grandma bitching at you

Way to put the pressure on, Grandma! Hope she doesn't settle for the first random guy she meets out of guilt and being rushed who then proceeds to treat her like crap! Don't worry too much about it. I don't have a boyfriend, either, and i couldn't care less what other people think of it. Do things in your own time.

Don't worry, your grandma's just a gaping twat.

You don't have a boyfriend cuz your fat or ugly, sorry it's just the truth

I see fat and/or ugly girls with boyfriends and wonder how the hell that happens...

Some guys just don't have respect for themselves it's quite sad accually, I don't know how someone could go that low

Only an FML if you're old. If you're a teenager, then your grandma expects you not to date until you're older.

Tell her "wait -- if I get a boyfriend, then you'll die? I don't want that to happen, I'd better not get a boyfriend"