White knight, wrong place

By Anonymous - 23/02/2018 19:00

Today, I dropped in on my wife at her part time waitressing job. As I was leaving, I gave her tushie a playful squeeze. I was then tackled by some acne-ridden teenage blockhead trying to impress the hot waitress by beating up the guy groping her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 752
You deserved it 2 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should keep those actions at home and not do them in public?

Dude, respect your wife at her job. It's her freaking JOB, for chrissake.


Glitterbaby2613 20

if my bf came and groped me in public at my job I'd tell him to chill the **** out I'm at work... seeing as your old enough to be married you should know that there's is a time and place for everything 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒