Where am I?

By awalc - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I woke up with Skittles superglued to my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 259
You deserved it 6 147

Top comments

Ah, you must be one of those people that thinks glue isn't real and Elmer's school glue is actually a bottle of bull sperm.


nerpy_derpy_doo 3

hm.. if i were you i'd probably end up trying to lick them off xP or scrape them off with the corner of my kitchen table... (either way i'd still eat them unless they seemed yucky :P

Bently24 6

Can you taste the rainbow now?

Well was there at least an awesome message for you written in them? That totally does suck though, hope they came off fairly easy!

Yes it said, and i quote, "sssssssssssssssssss".

bubblesam01 0

Sounds like one hell of a party! Try licking that rainbow!