When you're in a dream…

By Anonymous - 12/01/2010 01:40 - United States

Today, I woke up at 3 a.m. because my wife was snoring loudly enough to wake me up. I went off to the guest room to try to get back to sleep. Eventually I fell back asleep. Then I had a dream that my wife was snoring loudly enough to wake me up. It woke me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 012
You deserved it 3 091

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahaha! oh my gosh. that's funny. fyl indeed. also, dude above me, that's just plain weird


I sleep on the couch because my BF snores. So, I sleep on the couch so I can actually sleep, right? He notices I'm missing in the middle of the night and then comes out to wake me up and ask me why I'm on the couch or tell me that he's sorry for snoring. *sobbing* I just want to sleep!

Crotcho_fml 0

That totally sucks! Lots of people don't realize it, but it really IS hard to sleep with a snorer. Would she be offended if you asked her about trying one of those anti-snoring strips or something? I have no idea if they work, but it may be worth a try.

pipp360 0

ahh,women can't live with em can't kill em

Crotcho_fml 0

YDI because you were so concerned about your wife's snoring that not only did you dream about it, but you had to post an FML about it.

ShadowlessSpear 21

With your logic, all FMLs are YDIs.

my grandma snores. it's nearly impossible to sleep around her.

lol32360 0