What's your resolutions?

By why? - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Hackensack

Today, my dad has decided to that as a New Year's resolution, he's going to strive to wear pants less often. It's only been an hour and I can already tell it's going to be a long year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 328
You deserved it 2 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just wait till next year. Then it will be no pants AND underwear.

Well duh, he doesn't want his pants to catch on fire from all those fireworks being lit up in the house.


Actually, this year is going to be as long as any other. It will be 365 days. Roughly that is. If it were exact then we wouldn't have leap years.

Just wait till you have friends over, haha.

Do like my son does. Every reply, comment, conversation starter involves something to do with wearing, or putting on pants.

"How in the hell did you ever knock mom up with THAT little thing?!" Problem solved.

VampTat 10

Hey, at least his New Year's resolution is imaginative... not the usual, "I'mma gonna go onna diet! I'mma gonna work out more! I'mma gonna get fit!" That is so cliche and nobody ever sticks to that resolution, or any for that matter, which is why I never make resolutions. People who do are just kidding themselves.

spazchicken 8