What's that?

By breebree-0 - 04/03/2012 19:36 - United States

Today, I sneezed while at the office. I felt snot shoot out, but I couldn't see anything on the tissue. I ignored it and went on with my day. When I went to the bathroom hours later, I noticed a huge wad of snot had dried onto the front of my shirt. No one told me about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 172
You deserved it 4 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you think the mucus had magically disappeared? Where the hell did you think it had gone? "Well shit, I can't find my car in the parking garage. I guess it's just gone. I won't bother looking." Dumbass.


zebralover23 14

Ew that's gross, but maybe no one noticed

Her eyes are most likely just photoshopped.

zebralover23 14

Thank you but yes, they are a little bit photoshopped, but not by much!^.^

Think positive! Maybe no one noticed. That or blame your "kids" for wiping their nose on you.

bubo_fml 10

Imagine firing it into your's or your coworkers coffee!

It coulda been worse and dried on your check, chin or another person. But yea FYL

I get why you got scared but you kinda deserve it because you should know that he had a spider as a pet

blink182AAR 6

I think you have the wrong FML, bro

yeah, people are assholes like that OP :/

klatt 8

I read this to my whole family. We rolled crying laughing.

SarahhRF 6