What am I doing?

By forever young - 05/07/2013 15:16 - United States

Today, I Googled "How to act like an adult." I'm 37. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 413
You deserved it 52 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

@35 You have the grammar of a child as well...

You're only as young as you feel. You clearly feel 13. Go look in the mirror at your gray hairs and newly-forming wrinkles. That'll smack you back to reality awfully quickly.


mariab2898 13

I found this funnier than I should have

LOL I just did something along those lines today, but I'm 22.

kidsgotastinky 11

And then I Googled "How to act like an adult" Just to see what it would say.

graceinsheepwear 33
ajaj26 12

The moment you start thinking about consequences before you drink, you have reached adulthood.

Did you just watch Step Brothers as well? I just finished it, kinda weird this was an FML 0.o

Wittledinosaure 7

well, I know of a 37 year old who needs to learn how to act like an adult