
By Johntheladdo - 29/03/2011 17:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I heard the four most dreaded words known to man during my first time: "Is it in yet?" It was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 342
You deserved it 10 503

Same thing different taste


mabusoden 0

tighten up there soldier. one day you will be like all the other young girls.

remember, size do matter. no one likes giant ******.

There are these things that look like ****** but you strap them on to your penis to make it bigger. I suggest you buy one.

ouch, I had that said to me, but then she laughed & sed jk

should have said she is to tight for it to fit lol

karina02 9
mustangdude44 0

WTF is this?? how is this an fml