Well done

By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 20:00 - United States

Today, my husband told me the reason he'd been meeting his high school sweetheart behind my back, and lying about where he was was, out of respect for me. He thinks I'm ungrateful for not appreciating the lengths he's gone to to hide this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 239
You deserved it 3 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then surely he'll understand and appreciate the lengths that you'll go to in order to get him out of your life forever?

adorkable_spazz 0

wow...what a douche. why the hell would you be grateful that he hid it? he is an idiot.


cinnamondiva 0
lilmisslovely13 15

awww he's an idiot. you're better off without him. but that made me lol :)

mystic_dreamer15 0

What an ass I'd be sayin "see ya!"

That's something my idiot husband would do, he does crap like that everyday, so sorry men r pigs