Weird request, but OK

By sigh - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Medford

Today, my daughter told me that when she dies, she'd like her ashes spread on her laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 804
You deserved it 3 686

Top comments

And this is one of the many reasons why technology is taking over our lives.


Trisha_aus 15

You let her live like that! She probably doesnt know what an encyclopedia is...take her out for fucksake!

You'll have to have the top half of her cremated and the bottom half taxidermed. Think about it.

They have this thing where they can turn your ashes into an artificial diamond, look it up no bullshit

I always thought I'd be for the whole burning thing, then have my ashes put with my NANs grave and the rest sent to Lourdes. But now I have decided to give my bodie to science, it will be official soon, signing it over!

littlesister67 0

The bright light in the window is the sun, maybe she should go visit for a few hours a day. That's the issue with young people today. Video games and electronic devices are the babysitter.

Lol Facebook her friends in the afterlife.

linkinpark98 23

And I thought I was into technology...