Vicious circle

By nicklesg - 23/06/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, my car was impounded because I never registered it in California after moving here. In order to get it back, I need to register it. In order to register it, I need to pass a CA smog check. In order to pass the smog check, I need my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 549
You deserved it 14 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

headshotkillz 0

FML! That's what happens when you live in the most ****** up state in the country

notapplicable123 0

You should have done that all when you moved to California. Call me insensitive, but YDI.


NGM_47 0

Well although your life is ******, you totally deserve it for not registering your car when you moved there, so YDI!!

yeah its more like IFMOLU (I F*@K My Own Life Up)

...and the circle of life continues. Welcomw to CA.

You should have registered it when you first moved there, but LOL at all the conflicting rules. There's government for you.

almost right... There is the DEMOCRAT government YOU elected for you. Your fault, no one elses, for putting those idiots in office.

notapplicable123 0

Farside, I love that comment about the democrats. -thumbsup-

Peacenik 0

Um...You do realize that state laws are made by the state, right? As these laws would be. And you also realize that the Govinator is a Republican? So...your comment makes no sense. And besides that, you have no idea if the OP, or the person who wrote that comment voted for Democrats, if they even voted! Really.

Um... I realize that you could not have passed Civics 101 in Junior High School. You are absolutely, without argument, 100% WRONG. NO State makes laws. Period. NO Police make laws. Period. NO Governor makes laws. Period. NO Judge makes laws. Period. This is true for every State in the United States. And THAT is the way it ought to be, and THAT is the way it is. The second Branch of Government, your State Legislature, composed of ELECTED State Representatives, and ELECTED State Senators propose, debate, and vote on Bills that if passed, become Law, some with, some without a Governor's signature. Except for 1995-1996, The CA Assembly (State Representatives) has been in FIRM Democratic majority control since 1970 (that's right, 38 of the last 39 years). The CA State Senate has continuously been in FIRM Democratic majority since 1970 (39 years pal). Clearly that is Democrat control, making DEMOCRAT laws, ruining and now bankrupting a once great, prosperous, and beautiful State. Therefore, if CA is screwed up and bureaucratic, it is because of the DEMOCRAT Legislature that the CA PEOPLE elected, that the CA PEOPLE keep electing. BUT it is the REST of the U.S. States that will have to now change your diaper Junior... because at 39 years, you continue, at every election, to crap yourself. Total and complete irresponsibility... just like OP. Stick to growing pot and ignoring your own laws. Leave voting up to those who care and know what the hell is going on. "I spoke my mind and tried to be respectful"

Seti_fml 0

umm Farside while it is true that the legislative branch makes laws the executive branch has a little thing called a veto to keep laws (s)he doesn't agree with so you can't really pin it all on the democrats.

Hmm let's see... So it's the DEMOCATS' fault? You (FarSide) and you (notapplicable) are pretty backwards on a lot of things. So it's the fault of the so called idiots in Cali for electing those horrible scawee democrats to office. Ok, that's fair enough of a statement. But assuming that to be true, it was the fault of YOU idiots for electing an uneducated ass as president for 8 years. An ass who managed to attack an innocent county and kill thousands on both sides in the war to follow, give tax cuts to the people who need it the least, and essentially **** up our country to the point at which it is at now. So before you blame someone else for electing an incompetent candidate, think about the one you elected. Welfare: I have trouble even understanding WHY some people even argue that poor people don't deserve welfare. Besides being shamelessly ignorant and insensitive, these claims have no basis on fact whatsoever. The idea that the people who receive welfare are lazy junkies who don't deserve anything but a prison cell is a grossly inaccurate steryotype. There are hardly any such people who receive welfare. The fact is that if you are raised in the projects, you have next to no chance at being as successful as someone born into, say, the upper five percentile of income level. This is why judge sotomayor is such a phenomenon. But it all boils down to the fact that most of you people complaining about welfare are rich selfish bastards who don't want to share their abundant wealth with someone who may be struggling to feed their family. Taxes: again, like welfare, it is a matter of how much $$ you have. Bush gave rich people tax cuts, while leaving poor people with more taxes to pay. This not only makes poor people struggle more, but it worsens economic instability. The richer the rich are and the poorer the poor are, the less stable the economy is. So the rich should rightfully have to pay more taxes to help stabilize the economy. This is besides the logical fact that since the rich have more money, they obviously have more to spend.

Seti_fml 0

from #112 fullcarbon54: "...attack an innocent county..." I'm against the war in Iraq... but i wouldn't exactly called Saddam Hussein's (sp?) regime "innocent" in any definition of the word. It just wasn't our business going in there especially without finishing our war in Afghanistan that I can't believe we still haven't finished.

lmmmr 0

#154- You seem to have forgotten that Bush did not win the popular vote. He was not elected by the democrat voters, he was elected by the same politicians he was offering unnecessary tax cuts to. And please stop being ignorant. A mess that took 8 years to create can not be cleaned up in 6 months.

noName123456 0

How long have you been living there? If it's only been a short time, FYL. If it's been a while, then that's your own fault.

it's kinda a hard place to live but fyl

Don't worry about it. The REST of America is probably going to bail all of your irresponsible CA asses out... pay your mortgages, pay your cars, pay your electric, pay your gas, pay your cable, pay your cell, pay your healthcare, pay your fines, pay your impoundment costs, pay your contraceptives, pay your abortions, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum... Because people like you think registering an automobile, or other inconvenient laws apply only to others... YDI.

You are right. FOL. Might be cheaper to auction CA off to Mexico or Canada.

morgan020 0

You deserve it for living in california i can understand being born there ir your parents move you there but ydi for choosing to live there.

furry_fml 6

Whoever puts fyl does not know what the hell they are thinking

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

You probably should've registered it. but tbf, it suuucks to need your car to do the test. borrow a friend's?

Pretty sure borrowing a friend's wouldn't help, considering the smog test is for the OP's vehicle. Duh?