Vicious circle

By nicklesg - 23/06/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, my car was impounded because I never registered it in California after moving here. In order to get it back, I need to register it. In order to register it, I need to pass a CA smog check. In order to pass the smog check, I need my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 549
You deserved it 14 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

headshotkillz 0

FML! That's what happens when you live in the most ****** up state in the country

notapplicable123 0

You should have done that all when you moved to California. Call me insensitive, but YDI.


I agree with #53, #61, and #105. Prime example of Catch-22.

this is why you should register your car when you move to the state. nobody's fault but your own on this one. don't blame your stupidity and laziness on the bureaucracy that exists in california.

xmelissaaax0x 0

wellllllllll. good luck with that.

fooltemptress 36

In CA you can apply for a temporary extension at the DMV that can allow you to get extra time in order to get the smog check you need. I don't know if they will allow it for someone who is moving from another state but I know they'll allow it for residents.

rustyrox 0

#13 Which part of the "proof" is flawed? This is such an ambiguous comment but you sound like an idiot to me. OP: lo siento, maybe you need to make some phone calls The rest: if you don't like Cali then don't live here! Best state in this country!

Farside, no one cares. You're not cool. Displaying your complete lack of anything that can possibly be considered a life by constantly trolling this FML does not prove that you are intelligent. You're a shining example of why your party did not get reelected in 2008. "I spoke my mind and did not try to be respectful"

girlygirl666 0

farside- Wow. You're a mess, aren't you? Is there any substance beneath all of that condescending drivel? I'm sure that your ridiculous sense of superiority is unwarranted. " I didn't care to even try to be respectful."

There is actually a way to deal with this. The DMV can issue a temporary registration good for up to a week for you to get a smog. Go to the CA DMV and do all the registration paperwork and pay them, and they'll give you a temporary sign you can take to get your car back. Then go get it smogged in the time allotted, go back to the DMV, and you're good. ...something very much like this happened to me once, thus the advice.