
By Anonymous - 15/08/2013 17:39 - Spain - Mon?var

Today, I slipped and fell down the stairs, landing hard on my knee. Through my screams of agony, my mom accused me of exaggerating the pain, and said I was just being an attention seeker, before finally taking me to hospital. I was told my leg was broken. She refused to apologize. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 978
You deserved it 3 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I used to be like you once, until I took a stair to the knee.

At least she took you to the hospital right then. My mom made me go a week with a broken arm once..


my pancreas exploded my mom told me the same thing.. I feel your pain op

wtf i didnt know that could explode btw srry about your pancreas

Hahaha if it was your pancreas you'd be dead. I think you might mean appendix.

mcaisse77 17

When I was two, I tumbled down the stairs and broke my leg. My mom didn't know what was wrong with me for three days. In a way, I know how you feel op, I just don't remember it.

I bet she's too proud to tell you she overreacted. You could always milk the pain and suffering or when telling your friends you could tell them how your mom acted while she's within earshot...

In all fairness it was probably an issue of pride that made her not want to apologize at that point. Still, she should apologize for the sake of common decency.

Id curse her out for being ignorant and never let her forget it. Guilt trip her

Poetaster 10

Next time she falls off her broom, tell here she is just trying to get attention.

Hey, my mom says that to my bro all the time!

ZombieInConverse 13

My mom treats me the same way. I have vascular elhers danlos syndrome. While im in constant pain and going in and out of the hospital, my mom still insists I make the whole thing up. Hang in there, OP.

My mom did that to me too, when I had a bursting ovarian cyst.