
By Anonymous - 21/02/2011 15:15 - United States

Today, I started my community service at the dog pound. I like animals so I thought it would be a good place to do it. As I arrived they were throwing dogs that had been euthanized into a dump truck to be taken to a landfill. That was my job for the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 341
You deserved it 5 974

Same thing different taste


I would hate to do that job, that's plain cruel!!!!! =(

you have the right to not participate in that part of the shelter. tell them you will do anything but that. they cannot violate you for that.

Which part of "community service" do you not understand?

DrCammaCazzi 0

Landfill? Yeah right OP. I have never seen a shelter dump the bodies of euthanized animals in a landfill. Strays that are "euthanized" in shelters are cremated. Most family pets who are euthanized for health reasons are cremated. SOME pet guardians have their pets buried in a pet cemetery but they're definitely in the majority. At no time is a euthanized animal taken to a landfill. You're either an idiot or a liar.

@44 That's not true. The animal shelter in my city takes euthanized animals to the landfill. It's not everyone who cremates them. Don't be mean. You're wrong.

oh my gosh! OP, I'm sooo sorry you had to see that! that is horrible! they should treat thos poor doggies with respect! they wouldn't do that to orphans! that just makes me sick!

It sucks that they have to do that, but really, welcome to the real world, where everything doesn't work out like a Disney cartoon.

Sad but true. What else can they do? No one has a better solution for the scores of animals that go unadopted. Sucks for you, OP, but what did you think you'd be doing? It's not just playing with puppies all day so they don't get bored. If you can't handle it, you should seek to do community service elsewhere.

RavenNight 0

u should have done it at a animal shelter ora vet clinic. im srry tho thts horrible.

Oh no... I can definitely relate. I used to do community service at my local Humane Society, and I hated it when they euthanized animals. Sometimes they even did it for no valid reason. So sorry. :(

meh_meh_meh 2

Uh, Humane Societies don't euthanize. Pounds do.

My local pound calls themselves a Humane Society. They do euthanize unadopted animals.

Yes, many humane societies do kill. Animal Humane Society in MN is one example.

TheDrifter 23

humane society of the USA (HSUS) and American humane society (AHS) shelters along with CHS shelters in Canada all euthanize when overpopulated. I'm sorry that was glossed over in the nature nut propaganda, but it's a sad fact of life in big cities.

meh_meh_meh 2

What the ****. You know, I always just assumed "Humane Societies" didn't euthanize. Because, it's called a HUMANE society for a reason. It's not of propaganda, it's just what all of the sites make them seem like. All of the Humane Societies I've ever known, the verified credible ones, have been no kill shelters. But trying to actually find info, there's no where on any site (Near where I live, Atl GA) that claims that they do not euthanize healthy dogs or cats. I'm just not sure now.

Ugh. Delete my post... it posted in the wrong thread.

I don't know whether or not the humane society euthanises, but how is that at odds with the word "humane" if they do? It _is_ the humane thing to do quite often in the modern world.

meh_meh_meh 2

That's what I think too. But all of those bozos are apparently saying that the HS does euthanize.

..bozos lol they're right though. humane societies do euthanize...but they do it humanely, which is clearly why they're called a humane society.

So you guys obviously skipped the fact that I used to actually BE at and WORK at the Humane Society. I've seen things that they didn't want us to see! They do euthanize animals.