
By rainey - 03/02/2010 06:27 - United States

Today, my car alarm went off so I went outside to investigate. Apparently, the abundant rain water in my street had swept a trash can five houses down, only to be stopped by my car. My bumper was dented by a run-away waste receptacle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 407
You deserved it 2 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

elenaa_fml 0

Good thing you used the word receptacle, otherwise I might have thought you were dumb.

Averizzle 0

Get out of here Brit rubbish can trash can who the hell cares?


yessirfosho 0

I call fake. Nobody pays attention to car alarms.

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So you didn't come home drunk off your ass and run over the trash cans? Again?

i call fake too. how would it get to your driveway from five houses down? and a garbage can isn't carried away by water.

It can easily be carried away by water. Heck, enough water can carry a car away. Buoyancy. And it says nothing about the car being parked in a drive way- could have been parked on the street.

calm down it's a freaking dent not an FML at all

myname150 0

Thats why i drive a lifted truck :p If a car crashes into me they get totalled and im okay, my car probally would even still be drivable (if thats even a word) hahaha.