Tonight, on First Dates…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Israel

Today, I went on a date with a woman. She brought along her stuffed rabbit, and introduced us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 508
You deserved it 4 979

Top comments

Well, how weird would it have been had she not introduced you two?!

A7X_LoVeee 10


Well, did you get along? With the rabbit, I mean.

was her name alice? and did you say hi to it? lol

or was she late, to your very important date?

That's one more friend you can add to facebook.

sourgirl101 28

Crazy !!!!! Did she cook your rabbit yet? For some reason, I thought of "Fatal Attraction" when reading this.

It's good to know that she'll introduce you to all her friends, including stuffed animals :P

Gknd 0

then don't date 4 year olds....