Tonight, on First Dates…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Israel

Today, I went on a date with a woman. She brought along her stuffed rabbit, and introduced us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 508
You deserved it 4 979

Top comments

Well, how weird would it have been had she not introduced you two?!

A7X_LoVeee 10


gobling 1

at this point you just get up and leave cause she's either crazy or just a waste of time

You're lucky man. She showed it to you on the first date ;)

sounds kinky. **** her while the rabbit watches. the **** the rabbit lol

skyeyez9 24

Reminds me of this woman I saw on a tv show called "Strange Addictions" on discovery channel. Except she would carry a ventriloquist dummy everywhere she went.