By Anonymous - 11/02/2013 20:58 - United States - Raynham

Today, with 24 inches of snow on the ground, it is raining like hell. The weight of the snow, now full of rain water, collapsed the roof over my living room. I was eating cereal in my underwear, in the living room, directly under the failure. I'm cold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 029
You deserved it 3 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jsprackman 11

If it was Cinnamon Toast Crunch then it wouldnt be so bad...

skip_m 6

Step 1: Stop texting about this problem on your phone. Step 2: Go put on some clothes.....


Behold here, the master of understatements.

bladomas 2

and this is why everyone removes the snow from their roof

msmedieval 11

I was caring less about this till I read "I'm cold".... I hope you have somewhere safe & warm you can go to OP!

Satoaoi 13

if I lived near you I'd help you out: ) Cuz it's the neighborly thing to do.

xxjohippiexx 8

Put some damn clothes on... -.- lol

It's snow joking matter... That was awful xD

the last sentence "I'm cold" made my night XDDDDDDD