By jigglypuff100 - 20/12/2011 00:56 - United States

Today, while working at the zoo, I noticed a boy throwing candy into the warthog's exhibit. The fastest way to get there was to go through the exhibit, and speak to the kid from inside. I must have said three words when a lollipop hit me in the eye. Then the warthog peed on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 320
You deserved it 4 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe the warthog likes free candy - and then you lumber in, uninvited, to break up the fun. The warthog clearly disapproved.

you should have tossed him into the lion pit. That'll teach him the circle of life.

ethanmasters44 5

I would have climbed my ass up there and threw him in then started throwing candy at him and said how do you like it muahahaha

hateevryone 14

i wouldn't dare work with animals

I imagine the lollipop getting stuck to his/her eye. D:

ZDK5498 6

kids do the craziest things! hope your eye is okay :)

Armyboy124 0
BabyKayks 2

Good thing no one will be seeing it anytime soon.

I would've banned the kid and his family for life. But that's because I'm an insensitive prick.

MsTunechiFBaby 4