By pizzagurl - 09/05/2009 04:43 - United States

Today, while working at a pizza shop near a college campus, I got an order to deliver to the dorms. Extremely busy at work and annoyed that someone wouldn't take 3 minutes to walk over, I spat on the pizza. When I arrived to the dorm, a woman in a wheelchair opened the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 191
You deserved it 274 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments


YOU SOO DESERVED THAT. WTH would you SPIT on ANYONE'S freaking pizza? Do you have anger management issues? That's your JOB, to deliver pizza. Who cares if it's someone five steps over? You should be fired.

LiveLoveLife_fml 0

Go quit u asshole.... seriously dude?! ok granted people do that when their fine, but people in wheelchairs, walkers, canes, and crutched/cast would rather not make that trip.... Point of my rambling: You NEVER really know the circumstances.. so don't just go assuming everythign next time.. but friken eww! Spit?! Go quit and work places w/out food nasty ass!

darkimmortal777 6

wow ur so disgusting, why would u ever do that???? yea its the customers problem for u being busy and for u having lazy ass workers.....NOT.. ur so disgusting and i hope that u die a thousand deaths have a nice day, asshole ****.

you are a bloody jackass. what is wrong with you? you should totally be fired.

ssnickel 0

Why don't you just quit your job then? You're an asshole.

Your paid to deliver the pizza, not to spit on the pizza. If you don't like it, find someplace else to work, don't take it out on the customers.

I hope she finds out so she can complain about you and have you fired.

Dick. And the irony of this is that my friends and I once walked (while blazed as hell) fifteen minutes to Papa John's because we forgot they delivered.

vanessa_nessa_08 0

**** you asshole you deserve to be fired and fined thats intolerable, cruel and unhuman like to spit on peoples food which they are paying for

showwstopper 0

wow your an ass i hope no one goes to your pizza shop anymore xoxo