By Anonymous - 09/03/2011 09:52 - India

Today, while stuck in a traffic jam, my son silently changed my gear to reverse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 916
You deserved it 7 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol! the silent treachery of the young...

coconutClaire 1

if your son is too young to understand why he shouldn't do that then he's too young to be sitting in the front seat. ydi


Give your son a high five for me haha he reminds me of myself

lulu121893 0

kid needs to sit in the back of the car.

noni123 0

people above the age of 12 are acording to the law allowed to sit in the front seat

But not very many people follow that and it's not really enforced

wow he probably "geared" up for that one haha

mintcar 9

Sometimes when I'm driving, my brother pulls the hand brake because he thinks it's funny.'s not. He's 17 and acts like a dumb 12 year old. Anyways OP, smack your son!

robotiick 12

hey I'm a ****** 12 yr old stfu

faithe92 0

bahahahaha I hope you didn't get in an accident

I think to make this an fml they would've had to hit someone. If they didn't I don't really think this is much of an fml.

Are you a goat? Bah like a goat. haha like a human.

SuperLeap_fml 0

right? lol...shifty bastard. sorry bad pun

I would give him a not-so-silent smack on the head.

unless its automatic in which case you just need your foot on the brake....easy to do in traffic

MrPacMan36 4

Thats why I like ford trucks gear shift. On the side of the steering wheel.

dmmcintyre3 8

Isn't that where it is on most automatic transmission cars?

ReynshineCutting 10

Umm not all of them. From like 2004 on they're in the middle in front of the console...

Prankster7o7 5

No, most of them on trucks are on the right hand side of the steering column.