By blocked_by_fire - 17/04/2012 18:13 - United States - Pullman

Today, while I was in the midst of the most mind-blowing shower sex ever, the fire alarm went off. My girlfriend had left the stove top on and the entire kitchen had caught on fire. So instead of finishing, I frantically ran around naked trying to douse the flames. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 725
You deserved it 4 511

Same thing different taste


Did you use your human hose to put out the fire?

aimeesea75 16

Anyone else reminded of that cialis commercial they had a few years back?

Today, I let my best friend and his girlfriend watch my place while i was out of town for the weekend, that is of course until they burned my shit down. But hey, at least he got laid. FML

Methinks she owes you Round Two in the shower - perhaps after dinner, this time.

mrsmillsy 10

That's not a FML. That's kind of awesome!

Cool thing is that you should have been able to douse the flames pretty quick being that you were already wet.

And good luck explaining that to your insurance lawyer.