By questionmark707 - 12/04/2012 23:53 - United States - Fullerton

Today, while driving my car near a farm, I hit a man on the side of the road. I started freaking out and got out of the car to help him. It was then that I found out that I'd hit a scarecrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 336
You deserved it 7 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use your brain next time! You're fortunate enough to have one, unlike Mr. Scarecrow

Hey hey hey, scarecrows are important too! Didn't you learn anything from The Wizard of Oz? He may not have a brain but he has feelings, you know. :|


sportcrazychick4 7

My friend hit a guy on a lawn Mower once... Hahaha grand story.

sportcrazychick4 7

Yeah, but he shouldn't have been driving his lawn mower in the way.

sportcrazychick4 7

If you know anything scarecrows don't protect cows. They are built to scare away the animals that come to feed on gardens or fields.

This shouldn't be an FML I would feel relived that it wasn't a person.

goodgurlgonebad 0

heyy they having feelings an thoughts to !! an i guess it was thinking lmao look at this jerk in the car woww getting closser ow shit ow shit ****

How do you hit a scarecrow if you're on the road? You must have not been paying any attention to your driving. YDI. Next time it could be an animal or a person. You'll wish you paid attention when your sitting in jail for vehicular manslaughter.

lol scarecrows aren't only made to scare birds away, there for humans to :p

Did you happen to be driving a heavily customized DeLorean? Otherwise, how the HELL did you manage to not notice getting off the road far enough to hit a scarecrow??

hateevryone 14

Good thing it was a scarecrow.