By questionmark707 - 12/04/2012 23:53 - United States - Fullerton

Today, while driving my car near a farm, I hit a man on the side of the road. I started freaking out and got out of the car to help him. It was then that I found out that I'd hit a scarecrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 336
You deserved it 7 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use your brain next time! You're fortunate enough to have one, unlike Mr. Scarecrow

Hey hey hey, scarecrows are important too! Didn't you learn anything from The Wizard of Oz? He may not have a brain but he has feelings, you know. :|


scarecrows can't type! i kid i kid. please dont thumb me down

Hey it could have been an actually human right?

So you hit a man that wasn't moving.... O.o Dude this is a sign to drive safer

It's like the joke from my younger days, "you're so stupid, you hit a parked car." only it's a scarecrow. Show how well you pay attention to the road.

How high were you??? Not like the scarecrow was crossing the road.

I HATE when they jump out in front of me!!! Just like those pesky trees! Seriously though, maybe drive with both eyes open and paying attention? YDI

theWINDOWmonster 3

(To the tune of the wizard of oz scarecrow song) If you only had a brain!

baybeegirrrl95 5

Did you hit the tin man, too?

Soooooo..... ummmmm..... you bought your license??

emmyrae12845 0