By Anonymous - 09/06/2011 14:25 - United States

Today, while at work, I suddenly went into diabetic shock. As I was nearly passed out on the floor, a customer yelled at me for not getting his coffee in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 807
You deserved it 3 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Taurusbaybe 8

The customer isn't always right.


A good boss would have tossed them out.

nikkibear123 4

I would have had to beat his ass

Baluvagyok 7
Badd_Ahh1 3

dangg dat stuf is not funny broo, if i had enough energy to do soo i would have cussed the costumer out . thats not cool someone who passed out ndd you still worired about coffe 1 make your own 111

the world of self centered people today is shocking! sorry for that customer

lol call me a bad person, but a diabetic who works at a coffee shop? Ironyyyy

To all the assholes who are siding with the dipshit customer and blaming OP for not monitoring their blood sugar: it is extremely ******* difficult to break away from register/bar anywhere at a coffee shop during busy times. That customer should have been stabbed in the ******* eye!!!! I ******* HATE caffeine freaks that expect the world to revolve around their god damn schedule. It's more difficult than it looks to work in a coffee shop, especially when people are a bunch of impatient ASSHOLES. To OP: I'm sorry about that asshole's behavior. If I was there, I would have told the guy to shut the **** up and get some ******* sympathy!!

ouch, I take it you can't feel it when you're low?

sensoon15 7

even though this was a joke...wasn't funny :/ more like LAME