By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 18:07 - United States

Today, while at the laundry mat, an old man kept putting extra quarters in my dryer. I didn't realize until a while later what he'd done, just so he could keep watching me bend over to see how much time was left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 126
You deserved it 5 104

Same thing different taste


Must have enjoyed if you kept bending over to check the time . Didn't it click that there was always more time on it ?

HAHAHAHAHAHA! (I'm willing to accept the thumbs down for this lame comment.)

sabrinaFML 0

HAHAHAHA u prolly got a pree nice booty then ;] but hey, at least ur clothes wer dry!! Nd u shud take tht as a compliment!!! :-]

Pree? Shud? .....*facepalm* I give up. You guys will never learn.

BigSlingin 0

Next time keep putting quarters in his machine while he isn't looking so you can freak him out.

YoshiXclusive 0

At least you know you got a banging ass

It's not a LAUNDRY MAT. It's a LAUNDROMAT. 'Laundry' is short for 'laundromat'.