By daddyslittlegirl250 - 05/05/2009 02:41 - United States

Today, we watched a movie in French class. I went on a French exchange last year, so I wanted to sound all impressive and cultured for my crush who is in the same class. I said that it was my favorite movie and I couldn't wait to watch it with everyone. The movie turned out to be about incest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 057
You deserved it 84 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And your name is "daddyslittlegirl"... I really hope that was intentional and not just the worst irony in the world. Anyway, YDI for trying to impress someone when you obviously didn't have a clue what you were doing. That's gotta be the one thing worse than trying to impress people in general - trying to impress them by *lying*.

LMFAO. That's what you get for lying. YDI.


in what way is that cultured or impressive?

Closeeupp22 0

hahahaha daddys little girl hahahaha

jen_kay 0

LMFAO! embarrising or what?

turgenev_fml 0

Hey, movies about incest can be pretty hot. Anyone seen The Dreamers?

just say u thought it was a different movie....

happygoluckyhh 0

That's what you get for "trying to be cool."

thetr00per 0

why would they show that movie in a French class??