By Flip - 02/05/2012 05:06 - France

Today, to avoid looking like a loser in front of his friends who all have girlfriends, my brother made up a perfect relationship. He asked me to give him a hickey in exchange for 50 euros. Our parents walked in on us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 809
You deserved it 58 516

Same thing different taste


I'm sorry but that is just gross to me

I can't believe YOU were the one who agreed to do it! That's foul!

If his friends think he is a loser for not having a girlfriend imagine what they would think if they knew he was paying his sister to give him a hickey. Sorry op I know you were just trying to help and all but ydi

What's next!? You gonna give him a bj for $200 you sick freak?

It's called a vacuum cleaner...tell your brother to learn how to use one!

FYL if you need 50 Euros that bad YDI if it was your friend I'd understand but your brother ?!

I would draw the line at the hickey...