By Badab1ng - 24/11/2011 06:52 - United States

Today, things were getting heated with my girlfriend, so I tried taking her shirt off. Slapping my hands away, she said, "I was only dating you to get my self-confidence up, I'm good now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 204
You deserved it 4 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where you tell her you were only interested in her to get laid. Her self-confidence should dive-bomb and become a complete wreck, scattered upon a scorched landscape. Confidence isn't built from someone wanting to have sex with you, she's horribly misguided.


Tell her you only tried because ugly chicks are usually pretty easy.

RainWind 0

Tell her you thought fat chicks were supposed to be easy.

Maybe it was her first time getting intimate like that and she was just super nervous and accidentally blurted that out and failed in saying it properly. Well, you can always hope.

What a bitch, she didn't even let you get anyway. You definitely deserve better, FYL OP.

rillastyle 1

Tell her "good you were getting fat anyway"

That sucks bro your better off without her but first do as that one guy said and tell her you only wanted her to get laid

**** the bitch >:/... don't worry find someone who's willing to get laid.

littlefootpimpin 0