By Judy69 - 07/04/2012 07:04 - United States - Dekalb

Today, things were getting heated between me and the guy I like, and we were about to have sex. I told him to turn the TV off so we can get started. His response? "But I like this show." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 608
You deserved it 6 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haiana04 3

Must have been a pretty damn good show, .______.

jerseyboy732 16

this is when you start putting on a show ;)


olpally 32

You're a bitch then... What an immature for op, oh well... Just keep going! :)

15. I hate to say it, and I try to not be a mean person, but I have to thumb you down every time I see a comment. After I read your profile and saw how little respect you have for yourself at your age, it made me reeeeeeaaallly wonder about having children...not to mention you are not very nice, ever...that I've seen of

42. Ha, haha. I can assure you, nothing about her life choices bother me. I guess I should have clarified that, as I read her profile I wondered, 'Gee, I wonder if her parents know that their fifteen year old daughter has her cell phone number posted on a public forum for anyone and everyone to see.' as I thought further in, I realized they must not, because who would allow their daughter to do this??? I was trying to imply that where our society is going scares me. I should be more specific, and I appreciate you pointing it out. :)

bitch_pleez 10

See, these types of civil discussions between rational people are what give me hope for humanity. It really restores my faith in people that the two of you explained the misunderstanding respectfully, instead of just blasting each other for being idiots, as is all too common on the Internet. Good for you two!! (:

KriiFahMoro 9

Lul, posted her name and phone number on multiple creepy forums. I like to take the low road most often...

TiVo. But what's the big deal with keeping the TV playing? Unless it's soooo distracting he can't multi-task.

I just don't like the tv on, I like to do it in the dark not when it's partially dark. I don't like when they can see me -.-

MrBrightside21 20

That's about the time she walked away from me.

He didn't like the view of your granny cleavage.

ss_20_xx 14

That will surely make OP feel better.

OhimWilliam 1

Show him that your show is better ;]~

xStaciexLynnx 15

Why do you have to turn the tv off to 'get started'? I would think stopping what you were doing to turn it off is more distracting than letting it stay on.

Because I don't like it on. It's distracting

perdix 29

So, your show wasn't the preferred choice?

I think her show was discontinued, and will no longer be played on his station.

perdix 29

She should bring in Ashton Kutcher, Sandy Duncan or Ted McGinley to punch up her show and regain his viewership.

In the end yes, he turned off the tv after all

duckie227 22

She's a controlling b*tch that's why

Because I don't like it on, it's distracting and I rather hear our noise than the tv!

I can understand if its ESPN or Family Guy.Is that tv that big of a distraction? turn it down.

Um, I'd rather them have it off personally instead of down on a lower volume. The temptation's still there to watch the show, and by the sounds of it, this guy would be watching the (quieter) show. If you're in bed with a girl, give her some damn respect.