By biker2012 - 01/06/2009 19:13 - United States

Today, there was a parents bike race on the track at my high school for a fundraiser. My dad entered, and ended up winning. He did his victory dance with a massive erection showing through his spandex. Just about all of my friends, teachers, other parents, and the hot soccer team saw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 705
You deserved it 4 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolwhat_fml 0

how the hell did he get a boner from winning a race? LOL


haha. after the race, your dad informed the family that he was leaving you all for the bike. then the two of them rode off into the sunset together.

#8 - they said 'hot soccer team', so maybe it was a team of a bunch of girls? ...hoping that this is a guy who wrote this. but yeah. anyways. your dad doing a victory dance is bad enough, let alone the boner haha

Ariannalang 0

A girl wrote this, dumb ass.

That's a ******' Win. Lol Erection + Spandex = Uncomfortable though, #38 had that right.

Oh damn! Burned! Who clicked YDI? One would think one is not respnonsible for what their fathers do, or their erections!

im trying to figure out why people pushed "you deserved that one" how could this possibly be the OP's fault? wow. some people are dumb.

awwwwwwww i'm sorry. i feel so bad for your dad!

Massive erection while wearing spandex seems a tad uncomfortable. FHL.

thats when you say to him" i'm proud i'm your child"