By ksamp - 12/10/2011 04:26 - United States

Today, the man I love still thinks that female orgasms are a myth and refuses to even try to give me one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 282
You deserved it 6 287

Same thing different taste

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Any man who refused to attempt to make me ****** would be drop-kicked out the door. They're ******* awesome.

Kick him in the balls and say that the pain is a myth.


skyeyez9 24

He is a selfish ass. You would think a man would want to make his gf or wife scream out in pleasure from a mind blowing ****** he gave her. Dump him cause he doesnt love you.

slkc91 1 mean to tell me that they're real?!? That's preposterous!

kodinbug 2

Dear number 15. Men didn't invent sex toys as toys. They were used for medical proposes. Women later made them toys. So no. Men didn't invent the sex toys.

SteelCladAngel 0

They invented them, women repurposed them. 'whatever you give a woman she will Make better...' lol Really though, ****** have been around for thousands of years... :)

you need to show him but since he refuses to give u one u need to take control tie him up or whatever u need to do to take control and ride the hell out of him and prove its not a myth or just find a real man

maybe it's time you take matters "into your own hands" ;) get it?!

saning 2

Obviously, the guy in this situation is uninformed and insensitive. There are plenty of other guys out there who are not. However, I am really tired of reading these FMLs where it is somehow a guy's responsibility to GIVE his partner an ****** or MAKE them ******. Having an ****** is each partner's own responsibility. Guys do things during sex to give themselves an ******. The woman is not MAKING them ****** - they are bringing it on themselves. Likewise, a woman first needs to find out what she likes, what causes her to have an ******. If she doesn't know herself, how is a guy supposed to guess. Every woman is very different in orgasmic response. Once she knows what leads her to ******, she needs to clearly communicate this to her partner, and do things and ask for things during sex that will cause the proper stimulation. No one needs to settle for bad sex. Take responsibility for your own ******, communicate clearly, and patiently practice.

There's a difference between her not communicating and him not even trying and it never says she doesn't know how to make herself ******. If she knows he thinks they're fake, then they've clearly talked. And as far as taking responsibility, that doesn't mean she shouldn't expect help.

saning 2

As I stated at the beginning, in this situation the guy's an idiot. The rest of my entry was expressing a general opinion. Of course each partner should help the other. As a guy, it's much more satisfying having the woman moving with me instead of just laying there. What I am saying is that each needs to communicate what they need from their partner to help them ******. Not just expect the other partner to GIVE them one, like I hear expressed on this site so often.

Get his mouth between our legs and ride Him till you cum worked with my girl friend