By Anonymous - 18/09/2013 14:57 - United States

Today, the Internet wasn't working. One girl decided to try to diagnose the problem. It said to connect the Ethernet cable. She started making fun of the computer for spelling "Internet" wrong. I'm graduating with this idiot in less than a month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 656
You deserved it 3 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DFresh503 8

D's get degrees... Unfortunately.

Barriaultcory 16

If you two compete for the same job at least you know it'll be an easy decision for the employer


It doesn't say what she is actually graduating in, subject wise, so I feel I can't really comment too much on that point. But I can say if it's IT related then she probably won't be too successful unless she possesses the necessary aesthetics!!! My personal word for someone like this is 'stuman'. A stupid human. Or hidiot. Ill stop there, think I made my point.....

"But if we don't treat the Internet with the RESPECT it deserves, the Internet can be gone forever."

fukre 3

Well..... Jst a month more to go...

Well, you know what they say... The one who graduates at the bottom of his med school class is still called Doctor.

Score another one for the 'Murican education system

musiciangirl591 16

well, you know what they say, smart on paper...

#96, I doubt it'd even say smart on paper. You'll be graduating, OP, but I seriously doubt this dumbass will.

ZombieKitteh 8

Not everyone knows about computers. It was just a derp. Have mercy.