By Anonymous - 18/09/2013 14:57 - United States

Today, the Internet wasn't working. One girl decided to try to diagnose the problem. It said to connect the Ethernet cable. She started making fun of the computer for spelling "Internet" wrong. I'm graduating with this idiot in less than a month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 656
You deserved it 3 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DFresh503 8

D's get degrees... Unfortunately.

Barriaultcory 16

If you two compete for the same job at least you know it'll be an easy decision for the employer


perdix 29

Unless it's a Comp Sci. degree, it's not a problem. People don't know the minutia of other fields. For example, most people who are not English majors don't know that "gullible" is not a word in the English language.

haha, but in her defense, we all do stupid things at times

jw90 18

Hahaha well you could take the time to educate her or let her fall into a pit of her own stupidity.

I get what you mean, and usually those people who have good grades surprise you with such a stupid thing, and you don't even know if they're joking.

When I was buying a house, I saw a listing that said "this home has real potential for sweat equity" or something like that. I said to my husband "haha, they spelled 'sweet' wrong," having never heard the term before. Now, every time we update something in our house he makes a joke about all of our sweet equity.

thrlyrist 6

If she is pretty she could still land a job in the IT industry, with many hungry male engineers (think dilbert) gladly do her work for her. Wait, it will probably work as long as she is not fugly

That is not stupid. Maybe she just call it a cable. Some people have difficulty with names. I am glad I manage to call my friends by their names ( with an 90% accuracy)

The problem with this girl is not that she doesn't know the word "ethernet". The problem is that she actually started making fun of the computer because she thinks she knows everything and the computer is stupid. That's beyond stupid.

I know nothing about computer. I have no idea what a Ethernet cable is, however I do know that it isn't supposed to be Internet.

An Ethernet cable would connect from your modem to your computer to get a direct connection

Oh that thing? I just call it a cable. Usually if my Internet isn't working my dad will just tell me to unplug and plug back in the cables on the modem.

#59, I think it's ok that you didn't know. It's not a big deal. At least you knew that it's an actual word that means something. And now you know!