By Anonymous - 18/09/2013 14:57 - United States

Today, the Internet wasn't working. One girl decided to try to diagnose the problem. It said to connect the Ethernet cable. She started making fun of the computer for spelling "Internet" wrong. I'm graduating with this idiot in less than a month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 656
You deserved it 3 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DFresh503 8

D's get degrees... Unfortunately.

Barriaultcory 16

If you two compete for the same job at least you know it'll be an easy decision for the employer


Op, she isn't an idiot, she is the kind of costumer that keeps me in business

I don't think tech is her forte...but she is partly right an Internet cable is a Ethernet cable...

Was gonna say it's great that it likely increases OPs chance to get a job. #1 confirmed it

I'd say it's a little worse than saying the Internet isn't working...

I'm probably the most technologically-inept person in the world, but even I know there's a difference between "internet" and "ethernet"

Pakawaka 2

The Internet never stop working, your connection to the Internet, on the other hand, probably not working.