By dumass - 27/09/2014 02:23 - United States - Columbus

Today, the day before my wife and I leave for our 1 year anniversary trip, I realized my passport expires in 2014, not 2015. Instead of a week's stay at an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic, we'll be spending three days in Louisville. Three angry days in Louisville. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 582
You deserved it 21 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uniformed 13

You know what they way procrastination is like ************ feels good while you're doing it but in the end you are just ******* yourself.

If I was your wife I would definitely be going to the Dominican Republic by myself!


Louisville is still a wonderful place! Enjoy whatever vacation you can have!

I sympathize. I live in Louisville. Take me back with you!

get a travel agent tk switch ur destination to the bahamas. u don't need a passport to go there and a travel agent will majorly help u to switch everything less expensively than if u did it yourself. and u can do it fast! but ydi, u should have checked ur passport before u booked tickets. but not all is lost! like I said, talk to a travel agent, they really are wayyyy helpful!

Even if your passport expired in 2015, immigration at the arrival destination usually doesn't allow travelers in if their passport expires within 6 - 9 months of the travel date, and since 2015 is just around the corner you probably wouldn't have been able to enter anyway. YDI.

You can get a rush on your passport (takes 1 day) if you go in to the actual building and have proof (tickets) of when you are leaving.

paramor3 23

National lampoons series of unfortunate we come...

tintaroja 14

That's why you need to consider Puerto Rico. You would't need a passport to be in this tropical island that is as beautiful as the DR.

you can apply for a new one and get it in a few days if you put a rush on it. see if your flights and hotel can be rescheduled for another time

damn, sorry op, been in the Dominican Republic and it was the best cheapest vacation ever, the dollar over there is worth a lot.

you know it's 'right of way' and not 'right-away', right?