By Anonymous - 20/09/2013 22:52 - United States

Today, thanks to Grand Theft Auto, I found myself seriously thinking about holding up an armored bank truck when I saw it in traffic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 691
You deserved it 38 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd say you should try it. In the best case you're rich, and if you fail just get your car painted.

then000bster 16

Just make sure to yell YOLO as you somehow try to overpower them...


After playing GTA for a couple hours my dad took me driving on the street for the first time since getting my permit and I kept forgetting that I have to obey stop signs and can't just speed around cars.

TheDrifter 23

How do you forget that? Please stay off the roads until you find a medication that lets you focus on reality.

You, my friend, are part of the "too impressionable for videogames" category.

XxQuartersxX 14

you should of hijacked it. pretty realistic game eh? the game of reality

hey if you did it . you'd get an all expense paid vaca to a jail that not in your choosing and in the guide they make sure to tell you not to drop the soap.

A few words...therapy before stupidity...sounds like you are the 1% that is in need of NOT playing these games due to inability to separate common sense from anything else.

Obey_StudBoii 23

I seen this in the "moderation" section where you can moderate fml's and was hoping this one wouldn't make it.

TheDrifter 23

Why? This is s fine example of human stupidity.

you cant blame the games like GTA for they way people are thinking these days. if you are going to blame anyone or anything, look no further than the way they were raised. if children are raised right, thoughts like these wont happen. :)

NodakN8V 25

And when the cops chase you just put in the code. Hi I'm reality have we met....