By Anonymous - 20/09/2013 22:52 - United States

Today, thanks to Grand Theft Auto, I found myself seriously thinking about holding up an armored bank truck when I saw it in traffic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 691
You deserved it 38 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd say you should try it. In the best case you're rich, and if you fail just get your car painted.

then000bster 16

Just make sure to yell YOLO as you somehow try to overpower them...


It's not because of the's because you're psycho.

castleofg1ass 19

This did not actually happen. He came up with this out of all the fear-mongering in the media.

That's not because of a game, it is because you have no life and then play the game to make yourself feel better.

Lol similarly, Grand Theft Auto affected my driving (or at least the way I WANTED to drive). It's an addictive game.

it's understandable. women are terrible drivers to begin with. that's all we need. women drivers barreling down the street as if it's GTA.

mikaellikestacos 14

You are the reason video games like grand theft auto get a bad name

It's not the game it's the real you popping through. Games don't control people

jman26 11

No no no don't go blaming a video game for your OWN thoughts

It's because of you that people demonize video games for no reason and say things like "Video games make people violent."