By failhusband - 10/07/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, my wife and I decided to try a relationship book. The first activity was to write down some things your partner does that bothers you. I made a very long list, then my wife and I swapped papers. She'd written, "nothing, I love everything about you." She read my list and began tearing up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 142
You deserved it 73 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i bet the wife was the one that came up with the idea of the book lolz

Oh that was a setup... i feel bad for both of you :-


g33ktr0n 0

Don't worry, you did the right thing, and she was obviously lying. You're being honest, she may cry now but she will appreciate your honesty (unless you were unbelievably mean and said horrible things about any aspect of hers)

Dude, that's not your fault. She needed to be honest if she really wants the book the work. Im sure she does love you, but I find it hard to believe that there's not ONE thing about you that gets on her nerves. Don't feel bad!!!

johnnyramone 0

you deserved it for being a douchebag, **** you're wife's life for marrying such an asshole

Okay, take it from a married woman that is totally in love with her husband: She was lying her ass off. There's no way in hell that there is NOTHING about you that grates on her nerves once in a while - even if it's the way you ALWAYS fall asleep in the middle of the movies SHE picks to see, or how you cut her off in the middle of a conversation to ramble about some new band you've heard of, or how you complain about XYZ not being done, when you can't even remember to rinse the sink after you shave. The whole idea that SHE came up with this relationship book idea, then didn't follow the instructions sounds like a total baiting tactic to me. I HATE it when women do this manipulative bullshit. It really gives the sane, realistic ones among us a bad name.

Sorry your wife doesn't have any desire to improve your relationship.

carmakitten 0

poor thing D: I bet she just wanted to make you feel good about yourself and you just right shit down. You realize it was probably in the book to do something 'cute' like that?

PS: She was probably lying to make you feel badly so that she could be the "winner" of the exercise.