By rebekah - 03/04/2009 19:39 - United States

Today, my tampon string was hanging from my bathing suit. My boyfriend thought it was a thread hanging from my bikini bottom. He publicly pulled out my tampon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 463 290
You deserved it 77 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Cait 0
ohhhhshizzz 0

awuh dude that is freaking messed up, you couldnt tuck it? oh gosh, that mush have been gross and embarrasing. =] pahah, but got me outta my rut.


BrittNeyyLove 0

DAMMM!! sorry but its totally ur fault you cant be go in the water when u have ur period!! ewww

ahhhcrap23 0

that really sucks. that musta hurt. ewww. ahh gross.

that exact same thing happened to me except it was my friend. after it happened i was on the ground bawling my eyes out. i have felt your pain

too bad ive heard this story 445454575 times. my aunt told me she read this somewhere when i was a little kid! i call BULL

that legit happened to me. except one of my friends did it to me (a guy) we just got out of the water and it was sticking out the side not underneath by like the crotch area. He swiftly wrapped his finger around it like he was pulling a thread out and pulled. i cried for hours embarrassed and in some pain too. (having your tampon yanked out by another person is painful!!) and yes i have heard the story so many times too. but my friend sent it into 17 magazine and they put it in their "traumarama" section so i would call bull on that because it cant happen to everyone. but do trust me on this it has happened to me.

fear_is_here 0

Hahaha thats good thats freaking hilarious

crackzack32 0

******* I'm scarred for life....goddammit